Adventures in our life

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

We're off to see the Wizard..

Okie dokie,

Well it has been quite awhile since I've been on here. But I'm happy to say that NOW I've been in Naples, Italy for two months and some odd days.
Our apartment here on base is for the most part unpacked and feeling more homey now that I've bought rugs and moved some things around from where Chad originally had them...mahahah! But as always do still have some things to repack & put up and even some more clothes hidden away in our walkin closet that I need to find a place for(BLAH!)

Had to fly over here with out my kitties due to heat restrictions on the airlines in Florida---but now I'm just waiting for my mom to get the arrangments done and I'll know soon *hopefully* when I'll be picking them up from the Airport here! Yay! Even Chad misses them and can't wait for them to get here already!!!

Been working for a month now as a Cashier at the Navy Exchange-Barber & Beauty Salon. And I have to say for once getting a good pay check and even enjoy my coworkers for the most part. Besides learning Italain from a few of the Nationals I work with....hehehe. And when possible getting out and about to check out the local areas.

Gotta finish doing some cleaning on my day! *not!* but will have to defintely tell you all about my first days here next time. LORDY!

