Adventures in our life

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Damn its cold in here!!!

I'm over at Missy's finally---but as I've come to expect some things don't change, like trying to kill me with the A/C being on so bleen't low. Seems Melissa likes it freezing and me? well, long as its at 75 I'm fine...just need a ceiling fan and I'm good to go. But yeah. First night here has been relaxing for the most part. Just can't stop thinking of Chad for whatever reason. Seems to happen every time his to be home in abit, that I miss him worse then when the time frame was longer. Why??? guessing it has to do with the anticapation of him being with me again. =)
I've been trying to sleep for the past hour but no luck with chad running thru my head. BLAH! Hopefully this typing isn't waking Missy & Wade up....*sigh*

Besides me avoiding slumber, not too much else going on here.
Guess I should try go sleep again,eh?



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