Adventures in our life

Friday, April 22, 2005


Ok, let me re-phrase that I'm allowing myself to be bothered by little things -- there not little!!! Oh my freakin god! What is so hard about putting dishes in the sink???Instead of living them upstairs on furniture w/food in'em or throwing something in the trash???? I'm so FLIPPIN tired of living in this pig pen!!!!!!! I'm sad to say my own mother is no better...And the whole reason she hasn't been working at ANYTHING is so she can babysit dumbass Angela(my younger sister). When in reality all she does literally most days is sit infront of the computer chatting on AKO or IMing people or doing all that plus chatting on the phone with them. And all the while the house IS going to shit---its beyond disgusting in some rooms and most others would take maybe 30mins to straighten up.

AHHHHH!!!! Guess I should really see about going out to see my friend Missy out in Gulfport,Mississippi for the weekend...or maybe all next week as well??? Least till Chad comes home in a week or so from visiting family. Humm....Looks like I'll be taking a little vacation again if all goes as hoped.

Besides all of that, still gotta get over to get copies of the cats' shot records. Then fax those off to bleen't Dam Neck,VA along with sending out my passport for my visa. BLAH!!! I just need to say some prayers or something to have a burst of energy come my way so I can leave this darn house already!!! Looks like I may just hit the bottle this weekend, or as they do down here in the south, "hit the can".
Also should see about calling back that person who called me the other day --- think it was my old friend Justin compton from high school...not sure though cause whoever it was didn't leave a freakin name the darn goober. But will be calling the # to see just who it is I suppose.

Guess I really should hit the hay now. Here's to Hoping Today is better then yesterday was.
*crossing fingers*



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