Adventures in our life

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Does it every end???


With everything going on in my life, will some of the chaos ever end??? I just want to curl up in a ball & sleep sometimes I swear!
First my damn passport isn't in yet, only to find out it hasn't come in on time nor even gotten the visa for me to fly with Chad(which is a whole other story) over to Italy. Ok fine, I can deal with it. But come to find out as of last Thursday---we were either told by misinformed people or someone is screwing our flight paperwork up royally.
We were told that we could fly from my Parents to Norfolk, then to Naples from there. Well seems my "ticket" is supposed to be from Jacksonville...And I'm not even living there and haven't for over 4 months. So now we may just have to pay for my ticket out pocket instead of the military paying for it.

Which will make me pissed cause we just had to pay a nice chunk just to fly Chad one way to freakin North Carolina so his family can see him off at Norfolk. We could have waited to see how to fix this mess, but as always we didn't have time to deal with it--- He has to fly on the 26th to head over.
So yeah, I had to drop him off earlier today at the airport so he could spend at least 2 days more with his family before having to fly to Naples.
And I only got to spend maybe two weeks with him while he was on leave---ARGGHH! I'll live I'm sure.

Outside of my traveling drama I can at least try and see this as a good thing. With me having to fly after he already gets there, he can hopfully get housing beforehand and then I can fly with the cats and not have to worry about having to set up a kennel to watch them but instead move straight into an apartment.

***And as a side note which will be a good thing, I'm very happy to say my crazy goober finally made E5!!!!(2nd class petty officer)
I'm very proud of you baby!!! Told ya' you could do it!!!


Seeing as I've got that out and off my chest, guess I should head to bed. Maybe if I can remember I'll fill in the other small details from the last 2weeks, eh? lol.



Sunday, May 01, 2005

I'm alive!!!!

8 Days later!!! MAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Lordy! Where does the time go these days??? I made it alright back from Missy's.(damn semi-trucks) And was supposed to be in Biloxi again this weekend with my grandparents---hitting up the casinos, but of course it had to rain. And I don't mean just rain, I mean RAIN-THUNDER-LIGHTING and more then just puddles on the bleen't streets. I'm not sure if moms front yard will make it thru the summer. Has had a sizable amount of water holding up in our front yard and at least 4feet up the drive way itself for most of the last couple of weeks. Had started to evaprate but no, had to rain didn't it??? Nothing like taking mucking boots out to check the mail. LMAO! oh well.

Keeping fingers crossed to have some dry weather the next day or so, that way come Monday after my Doctors appointment,Grams & Gramps and I can head on down to Biloxi. YaY!!!

And also hoping chad will keep his word and head down here Weds---though we may be taking a trip either to a hotel in Gulfport or hanging with Missy! lol, whichever long as I get break from this house!!!
(if all REALLY does go my way this week,I'll get a call from PSD saying my passport is in and now on its way to Miami for my visa.)

Ohh dog is dreaming and making nosies on my bed and my black kitten Paris was sleeping in my lap and I think she just farted something rancid!!?!??!*ewww*
Well, guess its time for me to head off to bed. Hope tomorrow turns out nice then maybe I can go to the beach and get some sunburn for once??? LMBO!
